Friday, July 31, 2009

Steve Miller Band at Mountain Winery

Should we feel guilty about taking advantage of a work boondoggle?

Ryan's company recently raised a round of VC money, and that inevitably unleashes a wave of cold calls from companies that assume you need to spend it on what they have to offer. One particularly persistent company was trying to sell us a data center.... particularly inane because you'd realize after 5 minutes on our website that the whole point of our company is that we don't need a data center.

But still-- when they passed along 2 free invites to a customer appreciation night at Mountain Winery to listen to the Steve Miller Band.... on a night when Eunice's mom was going to be in town to babysit.... who were we to say no?

We made it into a date night. Decent BBQ, an open bar, good classic rock, perfect weather, unbelievable views over Silicon Valley, and no annoying work conversations either...

What a great night!

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