Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Little Tiger

After waffling back and forth all afternoon, Spencer finally decided he wanted to get his face painted while we were at our church picnic. He asked to be a tiger. Here are the results:

We love his expression in this photo - it's so...Spencer!

Spencer's attempt at a snarl...

Jen Quan, our friend and face painter, claims she learned how to do this a few hours earlier by watching youtube videos. We find that pretty hard to believe... We'll definitely be showing up on her doorstep for help with the boys' Halloween costumes next year!

Earlier in the afternoon, we took our turn getting a family portrait taken. Here, Spencer helps dad out with his wardrobe.

And the ridiculous end result...

Somehow, our kids ended up looking normal, and we ended up looking like goofballs. How did that happen? Perhaps that's closer to reality than we'd like to admit! :)

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