Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tyler and Lilah Bond

Tyler and his cousin Lilah are only one year apart. That's a pretty big difference right now, but they're sure to be good friends as they grow up... it's hilarious watching them interact.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oakland Zoo

With Kristin in town for the weekend, we headed to Oakland to meet up with her cousin Kara and Kara's daughter, for a morning at the Oakland Zoo. Yet another zoo outing where the kids spent more time with the "fake" animals than the real thing...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gaby's Birthday at Cirque du Soleil

For Gaby's 4th Birthday, she invited Theo and Spencer to join her (with parents) for "Ovo," Cirque du Soleil's newest show. It was quite an adventure, including a fun ride on caltrain up to San Francisco, oohing and ahhing at all the crazy "bugs" in the show (Spencer's favorite was the grasshoppers), and staying out way past their bedtime.

We suspect the train ride alone would have been party enough for the kids. :)

Spencer had a blast. Happy Birthday to a special girl, and a special friend!

Spencer Interprets his Art

Spencer loves drawing - with crayons, markers, water colors... All of his drawings illustrate elaborate stories that he makes up in his head, usually involving fires, trains, or bears.

Here's a short video of Spencer interpreting his art for the rest of the world...

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Morning and Bedtime Routines

Ryan usually gets the boys through their morning routine, allowing Eunice to get a few more minutes of precious sleep. :)

The bedtime routine these days involves bath time, occasionally with jacuzzi jets as a special treat...

Then a naked run around the house in hooded towels...

Thanks George & Linda for the cute puppy and monster towels, and to Jennifer for the one-of-a-kind purple cow towel that Spencer has now been using for 3 years!

After corralling the boys, then it's time for pajamas, brushing teeth, 3 books, 3 songs, and then, at LAST, lights off. Ryan never seems phased when a few extra kids are thrown into the mix. Hmmm... Maybe six wouldn't be so hard to handle after all...?!!!
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