Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Morning and Bedtime Routines

Ryan usually gets the boys through their morning routine, allowing Eunice to get a few more minutes of precious sleep. :)

The bedtime routine these days involves bath time, occasionally with jacuzzi jets as a special treat...

Then a naked run around the house in hooded towels...

Thanks George & Linda for the cute puppy and monster towels, and to Jennifer for the one-of-a-kind purple cow towel that Spencer has now been using for 3 years!

After corralling the boys, then it's time for pajamas, brushing teeth, 3 books, 3 songs, and then, at LAST, lights off. Ryan never seems phased when a few extra kids are thrown into the mix. Hmmm... Maybe six wouldn't be so hard to handle after all...?!!!

1 comment:

angica said...

superb,nu-ti pot scrie in limba ta materna ,nu ca n-as putea sa merg pe google traducere , dar nu am timp ,si mi-a placut sa va vad toate pozele din familie . Sunteti o familie fericita , bravo voua! ma bucur pentru voi

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