Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Asia Adventrues

On May 1, we left on a three-month sabbatical to China and Southeast Asia. Experiencing this part of the world had long been a dream of ours, and we were very fortunate to be able to take this trip: Eunice managed to get the time off of work—Ryan didn’t have to worry about getting time off since his company went under in March!

We started off in Beijing. After visiting Eunice's family and seeing the sights, we spent three weeks volunteering at an organization that run a foster home and community center, all funded by a small factory. We helped take care of kids in the foster home, taught English, business and computer classes, and worked to make the business side of things more efficient. Then we spent two months backpacking across Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, with a quick stop in Tokyo.

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