The festivities got off to a rough start for us. The plan was to head up to the city early and go for a walk by the water. Eunice fell asleep on the ride up to the city in the afternoon, so Ryan thoughtfully let her nap in the car in the driveway of his dad's place while doing some work inside. Amazed that Eunice was still soundly asleep an hour and a half later, he went to the backyard to read. When Eunice woke up minutes later, she discovered the front door locked. Ryan couldn't hear the doorbell from the backyard... and had left his cell phone by the front door. Eunice passed the time talking to her mom on the phone waiting for Ryan to come out. An hour later, Ryan emerged from the house bummed that Eunice had slept the afternoon away. Meanwhile, Eunice was mad that Ryan had left her in the car and locked her out of the house.
Agreeing to put the incident behind us, we got in the car to go meet our friends for dinner... only to find the car battery had died from the radio Ryan had left on for Eunice while she was napping. After knocking on a few neighbors' doors, we finally found someone to help us jump start our car just in time to make it for our 7:30pm reservation. Nowhere to go but up from there!
The rest of the evening went without a hitch as we enjoyed good food and even better company, shutting down the restaurant at 11pm. Thanks, Lee for coordinating such a lovely dinner, complete with cupcakes for the birthday girls. :)
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