Spencer relished the attention, mostly. We've been preparing him for months that his third birthday would be marked by fireworks, cake, the loss of his beloved pacifier AND the transition from his "office" at daycare to Mandarin immersion preschool.... so we weren't so sure how he'd react to the big day.
Success on all fronts-- he lost his pacifier the week prior, making the transition a non-issue. We made a successful visit to the playground at his new school to get him used to the new environment. AND, on the big day itself, Spencer didn't seem to mind the fireworks at all... the bigger issue seemed to be the birthday singing, which put him in a VERY serious mood, as you'll see in the video below. We like to think of it as serious contemplation of the meaning of turning three.
Here's a shot of the birthday boy, getting his favorite present, a big bear hug, from Theo.
And here are some shots from around the party: swimming pool fun, Ryan and Corey manning the grill, Tyler and Evan cruising around in the wagon, Spencer and Joey playing in the dirt,Spencer sampling the feast, red white and blue Nichols boys, Spencer watching fireworks with mom, and the crew assembled for Eunice's trademark homemade banana chocolate chip birthday cake.

Three sets of special guests worthy of special mention: Cora flew all the way from D.C. to join us for Spencer's birthday festivities. Adam and Rachel brought out 2-week old Lilah for her first public appearance... she completely stole the show. And Nara and Tracy came down from the city with our friend Lee-- they're expecting their first soon, and we thought a little shock and awe was in order by inviting them to a party with so many toddlers!

So happy birthday Spencer, and happy 4th of July, everyone! Click here to see a slideshow of more photos from the party.
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