And come they did: we spent the day with family, starting with a hearty brunch of sausage and egg casserole, french toast with blackberries, and mimosas.

Then it was time for the gifts! Nancy made Spencer a very special stocking, Jim and Susan gave Spencer a fantastic exersaucer and helped decorate our house with ornaments, Adam and Rachel got Spencer his first pair of shoes, Michael got us oranments and a Yahtzee set, and we showered everyone with pictures of Spencer.

Susan and Michael, Ryan's parents, enjoying a moment with their grandson.

What better fits the season than a Christmas Day game of Yahtzee over gin and tonics? Here, Rachel rolls a Yahtzee.... but its too late! She's already scratched out all three. Sad face indeed.

Time for dinner: we tried the traditional American feast for Thanksgiving... for Christmas dinner we had Chinese Hot Pot.

What a day... time to wind down the evening with an intense conversation about the meaning of it all, followed by a relaxing glass of wine by the fire. Merry Christmas!
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