Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve at the Hills

The annual tradition of Christmas Eve at the Hills continues... Eunice and I finally feel like we fit in because we have a kid of our own to join in the kid-madness (Adam and Rachel, you might consider renting one next year)!

Eddie and Nate made us a music mix to make sure that their older cousins aren't too out of it. Not sure what Eddie's thinking about in this picture, but it must be mischevious since he has sprouted a pair of horns!

And what holiday celebration is complete without a cut-throat basketball game of "knock out"? Adam and Rachel reported that there was a definite home court advantage for the Hill family...

In the always-lively no holds barred white elephant gift exchange. Adam and Rachel struck out with Christmas ornaments (who has room for a tree in Manhattan?) and a Santa casserole dish... Rachel tests to see if the oranments have some redeeming value as dessert. As always, a great celebration. Thanks Bob and Kathy!

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