Earlier that morning...

Spencer, still in his old-man-pajamas, hangs out on our couch as we get ready for the big hike.

Nancy arrives from Marin to join us for our hike.

And we're off to Half Moon Bay...

This was Spencer's longest stint yet in the backpack... he did fine, even when the afternoon winds kicked in with full force. Ryan also made it with our 20-pounder on his back: the biggest challenge was warding off a headache from Spencer's loud experimentations with his vocal chords (based on his shreaks, we're convinced there must have been a pterodactyl somwhere in the gene pool).

Here we are, one mile in, at the hike's best viewpoint overlooking Half Moon Bay. The problem is that it's all downhill from here... which means a big climb back at the end of the day!

Eunice and Nancy, wondering how much further the trail could go downhill.

Our lowpoint, almost amongst the redwoods. Perfect spot for a yummy lunch of Draegers turkey sandwiches and a trailside diaper change.

Mother and son enjoy the late afternoon light on the hills.

Father and son after a long day on the trail. What a great hike!
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