Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Susan's 60th Birthday Visit

December 22 is a pretty lousy day to have a birthday as my mom knows all too well. Her special day half-forgotten in the midst of holiday travel, I can't even remember ever having a birthday cake for her. Adam and I decided that this year-- mom's 60th-- would be different. We gathered a bunch of photos from each stage of her life, put together a slide show with music from each era, and booked a private room for close family on the big day, the night of her arrival from San Diego.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. A bumpy flight in meant that my mom was laid low for the evening (Remember, this is the woman who spent the night leaning over the side of the boat at her dad's Navy formal when she was a kid. On an aircraft carrier. In calm seas. At dock. In Pearl Harbor).

We didn't let that stop us from having a fantastic week. Dinner itself was a still a lot of fun with the Hills, and we did watch the slideshow with my mom on the couch later that night at Adam and Rachel's. We also got in a great hike at Edgewood, some quality time with the boys, some intense after-hours gift assembly of a cool workbench (an awesome Christmas gift for the boys from Susan and Jim), and of course the annual Christmas Eve party at Bob and Kathy's.

The best part? Susan and Jim were inspired to start a house hunt up in the Bay Area.... let's see if we can get them up here for good!

Here's the birthday slideshow:

And here are some great photos from Susan and Jim's visit!

Click here for the full slideshow....

1 comment:

Terry said...

I always wondered what had happened to Susan after she left Turkey in 1967. Tell her Terry says hello and wishes her all the best.

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