Saturday, December 05, 2009

Nara and Tracy's Baby Shower

After picking out a Christmas tree, the boys napped as we headed up to San Francisco for Nara and Tracy's baby shower. Only one month left until their lives are changed forever! We are living proof of that undeniable reality: neither one of us was able to have an adult conversation at the baby shower, constantly distracted by keeping the boys fed, active, and happy.

Best story from the shower was walking in with Tyler and having one of Tracy's friends exclaim that Tyler looks exactly like Karen Chang, a girl she knew in college. Well, Karen Chang is Eunice's cousin. How crazy is that?!?! We need Karen to send us a few pictures of herself when she was 2 years old to see if we've finally found who Tyler takes after!

A smaller group headed out afterwards to a fantastic, kid-friendly restaurant, Rigolo Cafe, in Laurel Heights. Gourmet food plus a kid-play-zone - something tells us Nara and Tracy will soon be regulars here. :)

1 comment:

boogie and me said...

what a small world!!! i wonder if tyler looks more like me than jacob does!

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