Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Spencer's First Halloween

Spencer invited a few friends over to help celebrate his first Halloween... the kids were a little too young to go out trick-or-treating this year, so we hung out in the living room instead and let the costumed neighboorhood kids bring the party to us!

Here, Spencer hangs out in his swiderweb outfit before his miraculous transformation into...

...Bat Baby!

Spencer loves hanging out with dad.

Especially when dad helps him to fly!

Ryan with his bat baby.

Theo's first halloween outfit, before his miraculous transformation into...

...a cute teddy bear. :)

Grace poses with Theo.

Phil arrives with Gaby, the purple dragon.

The photo shoot begins...

Theo isn't too happy with the photo shoot...

Eunice, Grace, and Phil try to coax a smile out of Theo.

Aidan, spiffed up as a tuxedo penguin, makes his grand entrance.

...cuddling with his mom, Michelle.

Michelle and Aidan look on as Gaby investigates the bowl of Halloween candy.

Undeterred by clumsy dragon hands, Gaby starts "bobbing" for chocolates instead.


Spencer, world's most mellow bat, hangs out on the sofa.

Whitman, master photographer, captured this great photo of Spencer and Ryan.

Jerome, Ryan's colleague from SAP, and Janelle, came over to join us for our Halloween festivities.

Post-dinner group photo with pumpkin rum punch...

Happy Halloween!!!


Etayne said...

The kids are absolutely adorable! You all look like you had a lot of fun.
Score for the purple dragon bobbing for chocolate! Nice families.

Anonymous said...

wow, those kids are so cute. We really miss aal of you. Stephen is helping me write to you. Great costumes. I look forward to Thanksgiving pictures...who is going to be the turkey?

Anonymous said...

in honor of all the cute, costumed newborns, rachel and i both pooped in our own costumes this year.

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