Putting Spencer in a frame backpack for the first time...

With Spencer at 20 pounds, this is much better than the front carrier!

View from our first lookout point.

Climbing higher...

...to more fabulous views.

Spencer looks pretty cozy in there...

Breathtaking blue-green water as far as the eye can see.

We stop for lunch - salami, fruit, and crackers. Mmmm...

Ryan and Spencer relax in the sun.

Grandpa Mike shares a special moment with Spencer.

Back on the trail!

Our final destination, with views of the lagoon, beach, and ocean in the late afternoon sun.

Back at the beach.

We make one last stop for a photo shoot in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Eunice and Spencer

Abby's turn...

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect afternoon!
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