Eunice's water broke at 4:40 am on the 4th of July... here we are with our bags, off to the hospital!

In our wonderful private room at Sequoia, ready to begin a long, long day.

It may have been the 4th of July, but we were in for some fireworks of our own... Sequoia delivered 7 babies between 5pm and 8pm on the 4th, so our doctor was running around like a madman. Ryan held one of Eunice's legs up the whole time, and watched the whole thing without fainting. After Spencer's head was out, Dr. Hoff had Eunice reach down and pull Spencer out herself, right onto Mom's belly. What an unbeleivable experience!

Our family of 2 is now officially a family of 3. Welcome to Spencer Lin Nichols, borth 7:42 on the 4th of July, weighing in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces. What a happy family!

Proud Grandpa and Grandma Nichols (boy doesn't that sound strange) come for a visit.

Big big thanks to Dr. Hoff!

Ryan and Spencer exchange startled glances.

Up close and personal

Up close and personal 2

Mom enjoying a hearty breakfast the day after labor. She did such a fantastic job!

Mom and baby Spencer

"Wow, look at this place!"

Ryan tries out a new burping technique.

Look at how tiny Spencer is relative to Dad's hand.

On our way home at last.

Grandma Lin had an uncanny sense of timing, buying a plane ticket weeks ahead of time for July 6th from St. Louis to the Bay Area - that ended up being the exact day we came home from the hopsital with Spencer!

Since returning home, we have eaten nothing but Grandma Lin's delicious Chinese home-cooking. Comfort food for Eunice...and Spencer, too!

Spencer ended up going back to Sequoia Hospital on July 8th for a 30-hour stint of photo-therapy to treat some jaundice his pediatrician detected. We're sure this early experience wearing funky shades while "tanning" under the lights solidly establishes him as a Califiornia beach bum. We returned home for good with Spencer on July 9th. Now the real adventure begins!
Eunice, Ryan, and baby Spencer,
Congrats and welcome to the world of diapers, burp cloths, and round the clock feedings! We are so excited for you and can't wait to see the baby in person.
David, Jennifer, Mel and Val
wow!! congratulations! spencer nichols! (i like it...) so happy for you guys. hope the first few weeks have been fabulous, and enjoy the next month of family time.
much love,
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