Friday, June 23, 2006

Canada Baby Shower

Along with Phil and Nikki, we hosted a baby shower for Grace and Alonzo the other weekend, the largest gathering by far at our place... ~30 people came by over the course of the afternoon! Click here for the full set of photos, or here or here for Nikki's post on the event

Here we are relaxing in the backyard.

To feed the masses we borrowed a commercial sized grill used for community barbecues at Eunice's work, and fired it up in the driveway for corn, quesadillas, chicken wings, and pork tacos.

What better way to complete a meal than with some yummy cupcakes from Sibby's Cupcakery? (not to be confused with Ryan's idea for a Cupfactory)

Jesse prefers double-fisting the watermelon!

Happy campers in the backyard.

Opening gifts in the backyard, with Ashley lending a helping hand.

"A surprise will appear in my pants."

Jesse and Eileen win a big hand in the traditional post-shower game of Texas hold 'em

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