Many of our friends in the area have stopped by to meet Spencer... here are Jesse and Eileen, on their way back from an afternoon of cherry picking and castle-viewing down south. They came bearing an incredible array of fruit, which is always welcome!

There's an old kiwi hapa tradition that a newborn and his family need a fancy bottle of champagne, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, AND a delicious dessert, all of which must be delivered at least 30 minutes after the agreed upon meeting time. This is a very significant tradition: Grace and Alonzo know of it ... Phil and Nikki do as well. Coincidence? Or a sign of why we're such good friends?

Let the bubbly flow... Eunice's first since pregnancy. Notice our wonderful "2005" champagne glasses, purchased for a quarter at the local Albertson's Inventory Blow-Out. Who says you can't be a new parent and check out all the great sales?

Introducing Spencer to Gaby (his first friend!)

Thanks, Nikki, for getting Spencer this cute outfit that actually fits him! Nikki also gave Spencer his first nickname: Sixpence (one more than a nickel!)
Our friends Mike and Sarah came over for an epic evening of lasagna on the night Terry left. Made from the finest ingredients and assembled from a recipe Mike has "in his head," this fine Italian meal fed us for days... and we still have another lasagna in the freezer!

Eunice was visited by her co-workers Janet and Megan, who came with the latest office gossip and Experience Corps updates.

Patricia and Cassidy stopped by while back in the Bay Area for a visit from New York. Watching Patricia with Cassidy at a trendy Manhattan restaurant late at night during a previous trip to New York was one of the things that convinced Ryan that having kids looked like fun!

Cassidy greets Spencer with a friendly pinch on the foot, universal greeting among the non-vocal set for "very nice to meet you."