Thursday, August 20, 2009

Experience Corps Bay Area Retreat

Eunice has worked with Experience Corps for nine years. She was hired as the San Francisco Director back in August 2000, with just a few dozen older adult volunteers tutoring and mentoring children in 5 San Francisco public schools.

Here's Eunice back in 2000 with her staff, which included just one other full-time staff plus five AmeriCorps*VISTAs engaging in a year of service with the program.

Since then, the program has grown into a multi-city effort with 200+ older adult volunteers serving nearly 3,000 children in 23 schools in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Rafael. This summer, Experience Corps held it's first multi-city retreat for its now 20 staff members, a wonderfully intergenerational group that continues to be near and dear to Eunice's heart.

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