Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Eunice put together this great collage of me with the boys when they were just born in honor of my 2nd real father's day. What better day to reflect on what I've enjoyed most about being a father? These photos of them as little ones start to capture it-- its the one on one moments when they look at me with a dependence that no one has ever had on me before. That, and afternoon naps on the weekend. Those are pretty great too.

As far as father's day itself went, it was a pretty typical day of highs and lows as a dad. Great morning cooking omlettes with the boys, horrible attempt to take a hike out at Seal Point (they boys were not at their best... but we're glad we made the attempt), excellent nap and afternoon hanging around the house, dinner and a movie with Eunice after the boys went to bed. About as perfect an end to the evening as it gets these days!

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