Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tyler's 1st Birthday

In all this weekend's excitement, we almost lost track of the fact that it was Tyler's first birthday! Tyler's really come into his own these last couple of weeks: starting to walk, saying his first couple of words with conviction (e.g., "hi" while waving, and "yay" while clapping), and playing peek-a-boo with abandon.

He had a good birthday, starting with some quality time in the morning with Nai Nai, banana cream cake at Adam and Rachel's baby shower, a rendition of Happy Birthday that Adam claimed sounded like a professional choir, and best of all, he got to spend most of the day in his birthday suit thanks to our heat wave.

Sunday was more of a personal celebration, with a tasty 3-layer chocolate cake from Nara and some dedicated attention from us and our friends Andrew, Laura, Finn, and Abby in town from the east coast.

So let's hear it for Tyler... happy one-year birthday, little guy!

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