Nancy and Donna came down to join us for the celebration... highlights included arts and crafts tables all over the park, sitting with an enthralled Spencer watching a little girl sing Anne of Green Gables on the community stage, and eating yummy Thai food for lunch upon learning that there was a 1 hour wait to do the Easter Egg hunt. The hunt itself was a well oiled machine: batches of 100 kids line up, fetch all the eggs in 5 minutes, and line up to return the eggs as they file out of the baseball diamond.

Egg hunt #2 was at church, and egg hunt #3 was over at the Gates house, where we went for Easter dinner. This was a much more laid back afair: the dads hid a bunch of eggs around the Gates' backyard.... including several in perches with shell-dropping views of the bay.

Easter Dinner itself was a lot of fun: we brought over our enormous rib-boiling pot to cook 6 racks of ribs for the assembled masses, and whipped up some Nichols-family margaritas to complement the mexican-themed dinner.
Spencer and Tyler were both in fine form. Spencer and Ryan had gone shopping that morning for supplies, and Spencer kept his Heidi's Pies and Safeway stickers on all day. He had a ton of fun playing with the other kids.... finally winding down under a blanket with the others watching a video while the adults cleaned up. Thanks for hosting, Corey and Maggie... what a party!
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