Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home with the Boys

Since returning to work part-time in January, Eunice doesn't get to spend quite as much quality time with the boys as she did before. Still, she manages to pack in plenty of fun, singing, and good old fashioned horseplay into each day. Here are some videos from a typical day at home with Spencer and Tyler...

No day is complete without a few "boys will be boys" skirmishes around the house. [For the greater good of capturing the reality of a "typical" day in the Nichols household, the person behind the camera felt she should not intervene in the scene unless absolutely necessary.]

It's all fun and games until...

Contrary to what the fight scenes above might indicate, Tyler is clearly Spencer's biggest fan and most loyal groupie.

Spencer tries to keep up with "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" on his little boom box.

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