Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Party at the Gates

Corey and Maggie hosted quite a party for our extended community group on Saturday night... the kids had crafts projects and movies to watch, and the adults enjoyed a pot-luck of dishes from each of our Christmas traditions growing up. The evening culminated with a white elephant gift exchange around 1 of the 2 Gates Family Christmas trees. We've certainly learned in 2008 how much Maggie has the gift of hospitality, but she outdid herself tonight!

Here's the full gang for a Nichols-style self-timer after the gift exchange: Tom, Cynthia, Julia, Blanca, Maggie, Olga, Corey, Matthew, Ray, and Jose in the top row, Justin, Kaitlyn, Ryan, Hudson, Eunice, Tyler, Madison, Amber, and Hannah seated below.

And of course, the white elephant. Coffee cups were the most stolen gift of the night...the throbbing back massager was the most demonstrated.

Julia brought special gifts for all the kids-- whimsical wooden Christmas ornaments made in Germany. Spencer's featured Santa in a helicopter, which just about sums up his dream Christmas. Thanks Julia, and thanks to the Gates!

Click here for a full slideshow....

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