Friday, May 16, 2008

Introducing Tyler Lin Nichols

Great news! Tyler Lin Nichols was born at 6:51 this morning through natural childbirth (no epidural for poor Eunice!) after only 2.5 hours of labor. Mom and baby are both healthy, Tyler is 8 pounds 10 oz. Here are some cell phone pictures from the hospital.

Can't wait to introduce you all to our new arrival!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Jane Kuo Paris said...

I thought it was about time for him to be born so I thought I'd check out your blog. Congratulations you guys! He looks great.

Brian said...


Brian said...

You also could have gone web 2.0 style and named him Tylr.

halford esposito said...

he looks good to go . congradulations!

Cindy Cosenzo said...

Welcome Tyler Lin Nichols!
Spencer, what do you make of that little fellow?!!

Congratulations all.


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