Saturday, April 29, 2006

House Projects with Fran

Francis came up for the wekeend, but this was no pleasure trip... we put this man to work! First trip was Home Depot to bulk up on supplies for a weekend full of projects.

Gum on tire... try to do this on purpose!

Rewiring the ONE room in the entire house that didn't have a dimmer... the TV room!

Now for the REALLY fun stuff... reseating the toilent. The previous owners had put it down wrong, resulting in a nasty leak. Does Fran's facial expression give you a hint as to what he's looking at?

Trying not to make the same mistake ourselves.

Now its time for some fun-- Jesse came over after a long day of C4C sporting events, but was still game for some late night hearts.... just like old times down in Escondido.

Final tally for the weekend:
2 newly installed ceiling speakers
1 reseated toilet
1 regrouted sink
2 rewired kitchen lights
1 rewired dimmer switch
3 mounted cabinets in the garage
1 new thermostat and dining room paint job
1 set of discovered knob and tube wiring
.. and 5 more projects well underway... Thanks Fran!

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