Monday, January 30, 2006

Sundance Film Festival

The exhausting 2006 Sundance Film Festival: 4 days, 6 people, ~10 movies per person, 12" of snow, and a little bit of skiing and snowshoeing to top it all off!

Crowds, crowds, and more crowds. Mastering the logistics of Sundance is a fine art-- we'll have to go back to just to exercise everything we learned this year.

Park City turns into a madhouse: we were lucky to score a great condo right in the center of town within walking distance of the Egyptian Theatre, the ski lift, and lots of good people-watching.

The movies-- we were lucky to see many of the audience award-winners:

We were too busy watching movies to really get into the Sundance nightlife, but did have a good but overpriced night out on the town. Here's the crew: Ryan, Alonzo, Grace, Eileen, Jesse, and Eunice.

It snowed the entire weekend, which meant lots of good activities outside of the movie theatre!

Jesse and Ryan on the top of the slopes...

And Alonzo, ready for some fresh tracks on the way down!

Fresh Utah Powder

Jesse and I spent a movie-free afternoon snowshoeing oustide of town

Did someone say fresh Utah Powder? Farewell Sundance!

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