Well, the upside of losing our trusty old camera in the snowbanks of Tahoe is that it gave us an opportunity to upgrade! We took the plunge and bought the Canon Rebel digital SLR, and boy does it make a difference! Here are some practice shots we took around the house. (
For a full slideshow, click here.)
We also got a tiny Canon PowerShot Digital Elph for when we don't want to lug the larger Rebel around. See below for some fun footage of Spencer building castles, singing songs, and joking around.
Building castles for his friends and family...
Singing "Wheels on the Bus"...
Singing Jingle Bells, This Old Man, and several renditions of Happy Birthday (with Tyler adding backup vocals)...
Singing a Chinese song, "Liang Zhi Lao Hu" (the last part is a little bit off, but it's a good effort!)
After Eunice does some coaching of Spencer's Chinese, he gives the song another try but ends up cracking himself up instead. There's nothing quite like Spencer's belly laugh!