The days were jam-packed, starting bright and early at 7am with Spencer thumping across the house in his pajamas yelling, "Where Cora go?" We filled our days with pumpkin hunting in Half Moon Bay, monarch butterfly sightings at Natural Bridges State Park in Santa Cruz, lots of book reading - especially "Crash-Smash!" (a new favorite from Cora), coloring, dimsum eating, shopping, and an occasional much-needed nap. Evenings were packed with pumpkin carving, bath and bedtime for the boys, whipping up dinner, and catching up on each others' lives. And just when Cora thought she could sit back and relax, we put her to work creating our Halloween costumes...from scratch! All told, she helped us hem Spencer's fireman pants, created an adorable dalmatian dog hoodie for Tyler, and sewed three "flame shirts" for the adults - definitely our best Halloween costumes to date.

On Halloween, we stopped by Spencer and Tyler's daycare for a costume party before going trick-or-treating with the Wangs and Canadas on Costa Rica Street, which was lined with palatial homes with over-the-top decorations. One of our favorite houses was Batman-themed, complete with adults dressed up as every major character from the Batman movies, a giant screen playing "Batman Begins," and a life-size replica of the Bat-mobile parked in the driveway. Spencer was a bit overwhelmed by the mayhem, but ended up having a great time being pulled in a wagon with his buddies Theo (Waldo) and Gaby (a butterfly). We had a fantastic time and have already booked Cora's services for next year. Whether she'll want to come back is another matter entirely. :)
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