Before Spencer turns 2 this week , we thought (or at least Ryan and Adam thought) it was important to take him out on his first backpacking trip. Eunice "volunteered" to watch Tyler while the boys were off playing, and Adam volunteered to carry the extra weight, so we were off! We started with a late night drive to Tahoe, an early morning boat ride across Echo Lake into Desolation Wilderness, and a hike up to Lake America where we camped out for the night. What a trip!

There were a lot of really memorable moments on a trip like this-- here's a list: intensive trip prep (e.g., playing YouTube videos of motorboats to make sure that Spencer wouldn't be scared by the first leg of the trip), the horror of Spencer waking up at an 11pm gas stop on our ride up and not falling back asleep, sharing a cheap motel bed with a 2 year old, making a wholesome breakfast of instant coffee and oatmeal in the motel microwave as the jeeps rev their engines outside, negotiating to get Spencer in his sun hat at the trail head, a smooth boat ride punctuated by screams of "fast!," mounting up for the first time and realizing how heavy an extra 35 pounds can be, trying to keep my footing with a squirming toddler on my back, trail-side wailing until we figure out that its nap time, hustling all the way to Lake Aloha while Spencer is asleep, rock-hopping to our own private Lake America, Spencer urging Adam and I into the icy cold lake water (and insisting that he come along for the swim), Spencer copying Adam's yoga moves, Spencer amusing himself endlessly by moving rocks around and throwing them into the lake, overcoming Spencer's bug phobia, rough-housing in the tent, copious dinner of brown rice and split pea soup, sunset over Pyramid Peak, frisbee at dusk, early bedtime for all, midnight thrashing and wailing...blessed sleeping in, massive oatmeal breakfast, Spencer diligently "cleaning" dishes by the lake, rock-hopping to Lake Aloha, Spencer's backpacking games and songs, lakeside diaper change, apple bribery leading to an 'apple pacifier' as Spencer napped in the pack, and finally the long, long trip home via 3 miles of trail, 3 miles by boat, and over 3 hours of driving (punctuated by Spencer's first bloody nose at a Baja Fresh). Worth it? Absolutely!

We definitely under-estimated Spencer's love for the water-- this is a glacier filled lake, yet Spencer had no hesitation first dipping in his feet, then his hands, then wanting to walk in deeper and insisting that Adam and Ryan "come!" We finally succumbed to his demands and took the plunge-- one of my favorite memories of the trip is seeing a buck-naked Spencer cheer as I swam back across the lake towards him.

It was also really neat to see Spencer bond with his Uncle Adam on this trip. Even though he never got used to the idea of Adam carrying him in the backpack, Spencer clearly adores his uncle and tried to copy everything... including some very silly-looking stretches and yoga poses.