Rehearsal dinner at the Wicked Oyster, where Ryan and Lee punished the crowd with a re-worded rendition of "Jesse's Girl" to honor Eileen. Sample Chorus: "Should we tell her that she's Jesse's girl? How did he find a woman like that?"

Later that night at the "Land Ho!," after Grace and Alonzo arrive. Let the wedding festivities begin!

We stayed at the Cove, a wonderful hotel overlooking the bay.

The morning of the wedding: Ryan organized a game of Frisbee Golf for the Williams alumni at a local state park. The only problem? Poison Ivy all over the place. We played Frisbee in the lake instead, where Brian and I gave Jesse a little wedding day dunking despite his best efforts to evade.

The Williams Crew (+friends), enjoying a picnic on the beach at Nickerson State Park.

Now its time for business. Time to put on the bow tie and get ready for the wedding!

Lee helps Jesse with his bow tie, to no avail. We had to call out the big guns: Jesse's father, who made us all feel like little boys by whipping out 3 bow ties in 5 minutes.

Ryan, Jesse, and Lee. We know each other from our time together in New York: Jesse and Ryan were roommates, Lee and Ryan worked together, and we all became close friends through a series of excellent misadventures, starting with an all night trip to Atlantic City in a company rental car and a dawn swim in the ocean.... it was all uphill from there!

The full set of groomsmen, including Chris and Tom, Eileen's brothers. It was great to get to know Tom and his family a little over the weekend; Chris was able to make it out to Jesse's bachelor party so we already knew how fun yet charitable he could be...

The bridesmaids, looking far better than the guys: Elizabeth, Lisa, and Julie, Eileen's sisters, and Lauren, Jesse's sister. They're standing at the Wequassett, at the tip of the Cape right on the water where the wedding was held.

Ryan and Lee try to look official as they keep people on track finding their seats.

Here comes the bride, escorted down the aisle by Chris.

The forecasted rain clouds kept their distance, and the wedding site was enveloped by a magical fog for the ceremony. Just like out of a fairy tale.

The bride and groom standing under a Huppah sewn by Lauren, Jesse's sister and a frame constructed by Tom, Eileen's brother.

The deed is done. Excellent kiss!

Introducing Jesse and Eileen Brackenberry, I mean Brackenbury. :)

Best Man and Matron of Honor, following the adorable flower girls down the aisle.

The wedding party...

...and the newlyweds. Let the reception begin!

Ryan giving his best man toast... something along the lines of life with Jesse being like a self-timer. Long story. Click here to see a video of the toast, courtesy of YouTube.

Like I was saying... life with Jesse is like a self timer. Here's my first with them as a married couple!

The chair dance. Minutes before, Ryan smacked his head on a low ceiling on his way to the mens room. He was outside, bleeding into an icepack kindly provided by the bartender, when he heard the music start. Despite Eunice's protests, he threw his icepack to the side and ran to the dancefloor. He had a chair to lift!

Pregnant ladies on the dancefloor: Grace and Eunice show that you can be round and STILL get around!

The Williams Crew: Go Ephs! This was a seriously excellent reception: Jesse and Eileen hand picked all the songs played by the DJ, which meant one great song after another. Eunice was 8 months pregnant but couldn't find a song she wanted to sit out! What fun...

The next day, Eileen's family hosted everyone over to their summer home in the Cape Cod National Seashore. Its a magical place-- here we are following the trail down to the beach.

Ryan goes for a swim, despite the chilly waters. Eunice trys her hardest to avoid a soggy hug.

A giant afternoon game of capture the flag in the backyard woods, Jesse's dream post-wedding festivity. The gang gave it their all: everyone was showing off their gnarly scratched-up legs at the BBQ.

Ryan, Lee, and Jesse, out of our penguin suits.

The Baja Crew, reunited for another beautiful sunset, on the Atlantic coast this time around!

Sparklers and an oceanside bonfire, the perfect end to a beautiful day on the beach.

Definitely NOT a good idea: running into the frigid May Atlantic waters in your only pair of boxers. Good thing we had a roaring fire to get warm again!

A little late night swing dancing back at the Wilde house.

Here's the gang, closing down the wedding festivities. An unbeleivable wedding weekend. Well done Jesse and Eileen, and best wishes for a lifetime together.