Welcome to our new home in San Mateo! Room for our growing family, blocks off a main street with lots of good restaurants, in a cute neighborhood with a good school district, half way between San Francisco and Palo Alto... just about perfect! We saw the open house on the way to drop Ryan off at the airport for a week in Germany, singed the papers in the car 30 minutes later, and took care of the rest via fax and email 6000 miles apart. Gotta love buying at what feels like the top of the market.... Crazy!

Moving day was the next weekend... our moving truck was bigger than our house!

Eunice breaks the record for time till first parking ticket... on the windshield before the moving truck leaves the driveway.

This courtyard is one of our favorite parts of the house: the living room and dining room open out to a sunny brick patio perfect for al fresco dining

The backyard has a nice wooden deck and a small grass yard, perfect for a cozy BBQ.

Finally no running outside to do laundry!

And an entire drawer of the freezer dedicated to homemade dumplings imported from Monterey Park.

A decent size kitchen with a full set of appliances...

Plus a spare bedroom for "junior" (useful for storing boxes in the meantime!)

Our first visitors: Dad and Nancy come down from San Francisco. Things are still looking a little bare, but we're on our way!

Home sweet home!