Monday, May 10, 2010

Spencer's Banana Bread Baking Talent Show

Spencer has more interest and talent in the kitchen than any of his friends, and his absolute favorite thing to cook is banana bread.  What better skill to bring to the talent show?

Spencer shows off his bananas, his egg-cracking prowess, and some mean mixing skillz. But the proof is in the pudding-- how is the bread?

Well, his class was impressed.  Even though a riot didn't break out as the plate was passed, its clear that the kids of college park will never look at a loaf of banana bread in the same way.

Well done, Spencer!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Celebrating Mothers Day with Four Generations

We were thrilled to host Mimi, Nancy, Donna, Rachel, and the newest woman in our family, Lilah for brunch on Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Susan and Jim's Visit

We are so excited about the possibility of Susan & Jim moving up to the Bay Area from San Diego.  This house hunting trip gave us a little glimpse of what it would be like to have them in the area.  Just think of the babysitting... I mean the family camaraderie!

View full slideshow of their visit here....

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